
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Organic Sweet Tea

This is not a paid advertisement but rather my opinion of this product.

A few weeks ago I received some coupons for this "organic" tea atop some bottled water that I purchased at Winn-Dixie.

I dont normally shop at Winn-Dixie but it was the closest grocery store to our tailgate party.

As soon as I saw the coupon I immediately went to find the drinks because it was quite a deal.

With no luck at Winn-Dixie I tried locating the teas at my regular grocery store, Publix. I didnt have any luck and it seemed nobody knew anything about the tea. 

So, last week while shopping I found them! In a refrigerated cooler in the back of the store. 

I was too happy that I found them because they were almost expired. 

I was greatly impressed with the selections of the teas. 

I only purchased 4 because my coupon was $1off when you buy 2 and the store had them for 10 for $10 so I basically got 2 for free and who doesn't like free?

They had original sweet tea, diet citrus green tea, diet original sweet tea, half and half lemonade tea, original lemonade, unsweet lemon and lime tea, peach tea, raspberry tea,  and green tea with mint and honey.

I personally like the Mint & Honey Green Tea

This photo is the " Our Story" on the back.

And under every cap you get a Grannyism! They are always quirky and cute. 

So without dragging this out any further, GO TRY THEM! They are really good.

 - Rich

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

wildflower mini - sessions from spring

I know its a little late to be talking about spring but back in the beginning of spring my dear friend Elise, over at Elise Kersey Photography, took my niece, Emily to a nearby flower field for a "wildflower" mini session.

She has been so busy juggling being a mother (to the most adorable little girl), photographer (the best) and going to school that I was in no rush to get them from her.

I think I actually forgot about them!

Well, the other evening she sent them to me!

She did such an amazing job I wanted to share them with you guys.

She looks like a little Southern Belle!

I loved the idea of the coke and vintage suitcase!

She reminds me of "Rose" from "Titanic" in this picture.

She has the most beautiful smile of any child i've seen. 

If you know anyone around Gainesville that needs child or family portraits, Call her! 

She is the best in the business and is sooo sweet. 

 -  Rich

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's fall at the Bender house ya'll!

Hello darlin'!

It's officially Fall here in the beautiful mountains of Virginia, My favorite time of year!

We've got the golden sunflower yellows, candy apple reds and cider oranges startin' to peak.
I just can't wait till it's in full swing.

The temperatures are crisp at night and sometime dippin' into the high 40's and between 63-75  degrees durin' the day.

Everywhere you look you see changing leaves, corn fields, pumpkins and mums. I can't wait to visit all the Fall festivities.

Over the weekend I decided to add some "Fall Southern Charm" to my front porch. (I am still workin' on the inside though)

I will post pictures of that once I am done.

I went to Wal-Mart and found corn stalk for $3.98 a bunch.
(I bought two bunches)

I also found "real" mini hay bales there for around the same price.
Considerin' you pay close to $10.00 bucks for a fake hay bale I thought to myself "there is no way I'm passin' up that deal. I bought two of them as well.

Thank God I was drivin' my Husband's truck that day.

I loaded them bad boys up and took em' home.

I had a plan :)

I put the corn stalk on both sides of my door.
The hay bales I layed in front of them on both sides and then I sat my beautiful "Hardy Mums" on top. Of course it wouldn't be fall without pumpkins, Had to add them as well.

So now that I have you curious about what it looks like...Here it is...

It kinda makes me feel like I am walkin' up on the front porch to someone's house on the cover of "Southern Living" magazine.

My beautiful "Hardy Mums"!
 I wrapped my smaller Mum in burlap since the pot was white.
Besides every room in my house has a touch of burlap in it. Can't leave out the porch.

I hope I have inspired ya'll to add some " Fall Southern Charm" to your porch.
Just let your imagination control your hands. You never know what the outcome will be.
