
Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Pumpkin Patch

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. In Florida it is rare to actually see the colors of fall except in a pumpkin patch.

Every year since my niece , Emily, has been born, I have taken her to the pumpkin patch to take photos of her.

Taking her picture is so easy because she's just so photogenic. Im looking forward to this years trip but haven't seen any open patches yet.

This first two are of her first year. I got this shot of her with her tongue out. Isn't she just the cutest thing you've ever seen?!

She was only 9 months! She was in that stage of sticking everything in her mouth.

This last picture here is of her 2nd year to the pumpkin patch. She was determined to pick up this pumpkin that weighed more than she did! I really can't believe how big she has gotten! She will be 3 next January! Where does the time go??

She has so much personality it isn't funny! 

I will be posting some pictures of our trip to the patch this year as soon as we are able to go. 

 - Rich

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